Sunday, 18 January 2015

Start Writing Fiction II

I'm enrolled on a free Open University Course, Start Writing Fiction. I am using this post so my fellow students can read the assignment we are working on - Portraying Your Character. Here is the basic character description I am meant to portray in a number of different ways:

Physical/biological: Samet Dapes is a 35 year old Law Enforcement Agent for House Lien Rocha of Alpha Centari IV. Characteristic of a native Lien Rochian, Sam wears dark formal clothing and can often be found drawing on a nictostick and wearing a wide brimmed fedora style hat. He is a tall man of average build, though he is often hunched, trying to make himself smaller than he is. Trained and fit, he is stronger and more physically adept than he looks. Mischievous, dark deep-set eyes and thin blond hair. Not particularly attractive. Soft nasal voice and long rat like features – often underestimated. Often mistrusted because of his job and appearance. Prone to the sniffles – sniffs, hankie, cold remedies. Prone to laughs inappropriately when under stress and when his guard is down.

Psychological: Sam is confident, though he plays on his appearance to appear low status, cowardly and immoral. He is a skilled professional detective who obsessively and methodically seeks the truth. He cannot resist a joke and likes to sketch a bit. He is principled in a world without principles, but his own survival often means he has to hide this fact.

Interpersonal/cultural: Sam was born on Lien Rocha, the fourth planet orbiting Alpha Centari, and he has a small flat in the capital, close to his family. No partner of his own, he lives alone and is often off world due to his work. When home he is close to his parents and an older sister and a younger brother. He had an older brother who died in the line of duty as a Houseguard when Samet was still a child. Sam is often compared unfavourably by people who knew his brother. Sam is also close to an old school friend and an old flame. Lives on fast food mostly, likes fine dining when he is able. Very unfussy. Food is fuel.

Personal history: Old flame back home, a few others along the way. Not a major obsession or motivation. No personal life off world. Keeps both spheres of his life separate. Was recruited into The Houseguard on the back of his brother’s renown and transferred into law enforcement and finally special assignments (secret police).He hates his job, but none of this was by his own design as he fears his superiors – and so he should.

“When you meet my bosses, you’ll soon realise that everyone else is a doddle.”